
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

stacking days.

I have tried to let a lot of things at work roll off and go by, but today I feel like everything that I had pushed aside dropped back down on my shoulders and I did not handle it very well. Nothing happened that on its own would have caused me to cry, but several small things pushed me beyond what I could handle and now I am broken. I was told by a student in front of the Vice Principal that it didn't matter what I said because the VP out ranked me (he was doing a piss poor job of backing me up at the time, thanks asshole), the food I had left for breakfast was stolen by someone who thought they were funny (they weren't), the face of my iPhone shattered yesterday (which voids the warranty, fuck you too AT&T), and I have had a few personal things happen (rejected 2x, huge secret from a friend that shook me).

I spent most of fourth period in the staff room with another teacher because I couldn't handle what I needed to do while a TA watched my class. After explaining most of what was happening the other teacher told me that at his house they call those stacking days. I thought it was perfect for how I felt. And, it sounded a lot better to me than broken day, cause let's face it, I am right now and I'd rather deny it.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I hope things start going better for you. 37 more days left, just keep telling yourself that.