
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

stacking days.

I have tried to let a lot of things at work roll off and go by, but today I feel like everything that I had pushed aside dropped back down on my shoulders and I did not handle it very well. Nothing happened that on its own would have caused me to cry, but several small things pushed me beyond what I could handle and now I am broken. I was told by a student in front of the Vice Principal that it didn't matter what I said because the VP out ranked me (he was doing a piss poor job of backing me up at the time, thanks asshole), the food I had left for breakfast was stolen by someone who thought they were funny (they weren't), the face of my iPhone shattered yesterday (which voids the warranty, fuck you too AT&T), and I have had a few personal things happen (rejected 2x, huge secret from a friend that shook me).

I spent most of fourth period in the staff room with another teacher because I couldn't handle what I needed to do while a TA watched my class. After explaining most of what was happening the other teacher told me that at his house they call those stacking days. I thought it was perfect for how I felt. And, it sounded a lot better to me than broken day, cause let's face it, I am right now and I'd rather deny it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

why I play in cemeteries.

When I was a little girl I used to go to work with my Daddy. He is a contractor and among the things he did/does is digging graves. It took until I was about 12 to figure out it was not the norm to grow up playing in a cemetery, let alone be lifted down into the hole to clean up sticks and roots that were not visually appealing. Luckily when I did figure all this out it was a sort of silent revelation so there were no social consequences, which let's face it, at 12 would have been monumental.

I went for a bike ride on Saturday and I'm glad that I did for a few reasons, the amazing weather, the chance to finally explore the Provo cemetery, and another chance to fall deeper in love with my iPhone. =)

I love the angel seen above, she was even more beautiful in person.

Anchors away! I would like to think this stone belong to an ex Navy man.

I thought this stone was a lovely color so I snapped a few shots.

This one drew me in, the gargantuan granite ball fascinated me.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

fuck it.

I just tried three times to upload some pictures I took this week, but to no avail. I have a massive headache because something that really upset me just happened. It's crappy outside. I have to teach a subject I've never taught starting tomorrow. There's still 10 weeks left of school. My best friends are not where I can contact them right now. AND the one random frill purchase I wanted this month was sold out by the time I got there. bastards.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

4. Elizabethtown and 23. Golf balls

Last night after roller skating with Mike (much harder than I remember it being, FYI. AND there are far too high a number of freakishly good roller skaters here, stupid jumpy/spinner guy.) Anika and I watched Elizabethtown, loved it!

This is the Demon Dog, me, and Anika prior to the screening.

Today Chad and Scott took me to the driving range with them, I don't keep my head down, *sigh* that is going to be a long one if I intend to master it with any degree of skill.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

more pictures! I love #53!

The new decorations in my classroom that will stay up for probably the rest of the year.

Zach and my blue/green tentaclie ball

5th period class minus Kelsee

Saturday, March 07, 2009

53. first week with my cameras

I'm working on taking more pictures. My two tools, or cameras if you will for this are the one on my iPhone and a Kodak M753 (baby digital camera perfect for people who are photo-ly retarded, like me). Here are a few of the pictures I took this week:

Anika and I went to a sushi place I'd never been to before, it was good, it is the one by Outback in Orem if anyone is interested.

We were the only people there (it was almost closing) and our waiter was hitting on us pretty hardcore, we seemed to throw him a little off his game. Example: he brought out my diet coke, Anika's wine, and two straws . . .

we had to take a picture.

These shots are from Monday when I worked 17 hours; 8 hours at school, 9 hours for Jon. This first one is Jack (my truck) inside the IPF at BYU, I was still giddy at this point. Shoots always
start so fun, but they turn into hard tedious work very quickly.

This is from about 11:30 pm when I have started to get a little loopy and the smoke has become mesmerizing.

This is from 12:30 am when we turned the lights back on to find we had created a foggy London day here at the BYU. Luckily they had turned off the smoke detectors . . . maybe we learned that was necessary on a previous shoot two summers ago . . .

Sometimes students (and teachers) need a little break. On those days we head to the park across the street from my school. It's pretty fun to see "cool, bad ass, high school kids" play like 4 year-olds =)

This one just feeds into my bizarre sense of humor. When I got home the other day the wind had blown all of the trash cans over. To e it looked like the aftermath of a shootout in the Old West.

Friday, March 06, 2009

49. Air Filter

Since I was hired at Summit in fall of '07 my projector has been over-heating because of an issue with the air filter. I asked a few of the boys (male teachers) if they knew where the air filter was and they said no. I stood on desks trying to understand what I might need to do and then yesterday I snapped. I went and got a ladder, climbed up, and began to investigate. I had thought I might need to take the projector down and unscrew things to find my filter, but once I could gaze down from above turns out that the filter slides easily in and out for cleaning! YAY!

101 in 1,001; yeah I can do that.

I came across this idea and thought it was great. 101 goals in 1001 days.
This is an experiment.
Create 101 goals you wish to accomplish in the next 1001 days. I will try to make, and link to, posts when I accomplish a goal.

white text means it has yet to be attempted
green text means it is in progress
red text means it is complete.

1. Teach Demon recall
2. Figure out if I want children
3. Do a colon cleanse with Anika
4. Watch Elizabeth Town with Anika
5. Read Jamie’s – Mamma Day, Jon’s - Bone, James - Screwtape Letters, Lesli’s – Circle of Friends, Mike’s – A River Runs Through It, and Anika’s – East of Eden favorite books
6. Travel outside of the US
7. Audition for Hale Center Theatre
8. Get called back
9. Go to Festival of Colors!
10. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up
11. Be able to run 5 miles without stopping from lack of air or boredom
12. Be able to write all the states and their capitals from memory
13. Memorize Oh Captain, My Captain and The Gettysburg Address, and if I get really freaking good, The Highwayman and Jabberwocky
14. ssh, it a secret *te he*
15. Get rid of all the duplicates on my desktop iTunes library
16. Maintain a journal for a year writing at least once a week, hopefully more (0/52)
17. Go to a drive-in movie theatre
18. Uh, yeah, this is a secret right now too, once I’ve completed it I’ll tell
19. Go to the temple once a month for a year (1/12)
20. Do the zip line in Boulder City
21. See the Grand Canyon
22. See Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse
23. Learn to hit a golf ball, driving range here I come!
24. Blog once a week for a year (2/52)
25. skinny dip in the ocean again
26. See Wicked
27. One month without eating out
28. Floss 5 out 7 days a week for 3 months (hopefully habit after that)
29. Spend two days in Disneyland
30. Go to California Adventure
31. Road trip! (2x)
32. Get my passport
33. Make three things at color me mine
34. Try 5 new recipes (0/5) I guess in my case it would be try 5 recipes
35. Kiss someone I’m into in the pouring rain
36. Send Christmas cards one year
37. Put $5 into my savings account for each goal I complete!
38. Maintain 141-143 pds for 2 months
39. Beat Chad at something other than the dot game
40. Read 25 real books (6/25) – does not include books for other goals
41. Give up something for lent (successfully)
42. Going alphabetically, watch every movie I own before I rent or buy another
43. Pay off my credit card
44. Have $3,000 in my savings account by 11-1-09
45. Organize my Dad’s books with a library catalog system like he asked me to two years ago.
46. Read BOM and D&C
47. Learn basic welding skills and create an item
48. Take a dance class
49. Fix the air filter on my freaking projector
50. Kiss the Blarney Stone (don’t tell me what other things people have done to it, I don’t want to know)
51. Watch the Yankees play ball in their stadium (I will not refer to the new thing as Yankee Stadium, they killed it)
52. Ride my bike three times a week one summer (despite the hill)
53. Use my camera far more often (2-3 times a week, if only for one picture)
54. Take my truck to play in the mud like I used to (0/5) (I’m sure he misses this)
55. Go shooting twice a month from April to September (2/36)
56. Record My grandparents talking about their lives
57. Go camping (1/3)
58. Watch 5 sunrises (0/5)
59. Watch 5 sunsets (0/5)
60. Leave 100 notes in library books to be discovered (0/100)
61. Go to a Zoo
62. Find my BA and frame it
63. Do a puzzle with Turkey
64. Go to a beach and lay out with Jamers (ah, to go back to San Diego)
65. Teach Demon to get shot and die
66. Clean out my closet
67. Try 10 new dishes at restaurants (1/10)
68. Fly my kite!
69. Leave a server a $50 tip =)
70. Do the splits, all three ways
71. Kiss someone at Midnight on New Years
72. Leave flowers for Grandpap
73. Go horse back riding
74. Sing Karaoke
75. Get my truck detailed (SO dirty)
76. Take a trip on a train
77. Get a motorcycle!
78. Go wakeboarding again
79. Take a photo of two people in love
80. Roast hotdogs over a campfire =)
81. Get a picture with Cosmo holding me where you can freaking see what he’s doing! (stupid freshman)
82. Play an entire game of chess
83. Make-out somewhere public where we could get caught
84. Make a necklace, anklet, and bracelet
85. Buy a French Connection T-shirt and wear it to work
86. Not get fired for T-Shirt
87. Finish The Screwtape Letters
88. Buy a bikini that makes me feel sexy
89. Do cardio twice a day for two weeks
90. See Hearst’s Castle
91. Go to the American History Museum in DC (it was closed when I lived there)
92. Dance in the moonlight to Dancing in the Moonlight
93. Learn to fly-fish
94. Kiss a man from all six inhabitable continents starting today (1/6) (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa)
95. Get my concealed weapons permit
96. Participate in the ward book club at least 3 times (0/3)
97. Chocolate syrup and whipped cream
98. Hike Squaw Peak
99. Buy a personal laptop
100. Go to a National Park I haven’t been to before
101. Go to a GOOD rodeo

Start date: 3-5-09 End date: 12-1-11