
Friday, February 16, 2007

my pensieve

Sometimes I wish for a pensieve so that I could take all the thoughts and memories that are troubling me and with the touch of a wand remove them from my head and release them into the swirling silver pool in the stone bowl where they would remain until I wanted to remember them, or where they could be completely forgotten, never pulled back into my conscious thoughts to cause hurt or stress. There are times when I can't sleep that I think I would give almost anything for a pensieve. The closest I can come currently, however, is this blog. This is where I try to sort out the confused mass that will not allow me rest and try to make some sense and order inside myself. Although it does not completely remove the offending thing from me it eases it. The act of writing it out fades the vivid picture inside me so that on the outside I can show a muted version of all that has happened in my life. The end result hopefully being a fairly blended and peaceful piece instead of a harsh dramatic one. I know that some of the thoughts or feelings that are recorded here don't make sense and seem very abrupt, but writing is not my medium and it really is more about removing the color from within and placing it somewhere it can swirl around, in this case my "pensieve," to lend color there and let me rest.

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